Sin as Adultery

Dear Mosaic Family,

The Holy Scriptures tell us over and over, God loves you. We have a hard time grasping the depth of God's love for us, because we have a hard time grasping true love. Our use of the word "love" is too broad, and thus too superficial. Think of the many ways we use the word "love." I love my wife and daughters. I also love my 4 shot Americano from Starbucks. I love my parents. I also love ribeye steak. I love people and I also love the New England Patriots. When the Scriptures tell me that God loves me, does He love me like I love steak? Does He love me like a builder loves the house they built? Does God love me like my neighbor loves his dog? 

To begin to grasp God's love for you, you must expand the categories you use to relate to God.

God is Creator and we are His creation. As a good Creator, God loves His creation.
God is King and we are His servants. As a good King, God loves his servants. 
God is Shepherd and we are His sheep. As a good Shepherd, God love this sheep (especially the wayward ones). 
God is Father and Christians are His adopted children. As a good Father, His love for us will never waver, no matter how far we stray.

All these metaphors are helpful to understanding God's love for us, and not one of them alone exhausts the depth of His love.

However, the metaphor that comes closest to describing God's inexhaustible love for us, is that of God as Bridegroom. God's love for us is an intensely personal and intimate spousal love. It's truly amazing that God would describe His love for us with the metaphor of a Bridegroom's love for his beloved Bride. It makes the Almighty God of the Universe so breathtakingly vulnerable. Especially when we consider how often we spurn and reject His love... how often His love is grievously unrequited. 

Only when we realize that God loves us with the most powerful spousal love, can we begin to grasp the sinfulness of sin. Our sin doesn't just have moral or spiritual consequences, it has deeply personal consequences. Every time we stray from God, we commit spiritual adultery. We don't just break His commandments, we break His heart. 

Join us tomorrow as we turn to the book of Hosea, to study sin as adultery. 

Praying for you!
Pastor Jan

Join us for Good Friday

Friday, April 19, 7 p.m.

Join us for a Good Friday service at the Temple as we remember the life and death of Jesus Christ in preparation for Easter Sunday. Childcare is available, though children are welcome to join the service.

Child Dedication Service 

Sunday, May 12, 9:30 a.m.

We will be holding our next child dedication service on Mother's Day. If you are a member and interested in having your infant or young child dedicated, contact for an application. Applications are due by April 28th.

Volunteer with Kids Summer Nights!

Weeknights, July 22-26, 6-8 p.m.

We are already starting to recruit for our VBS program, Kids Summer Nights! If you are interested in serving on one of our teams this summer, please contact Raquel: 

Songs for Sunday 

If you would like to know what we'll be singing on Sunday, you can find the playlist here.


Sin as Suicide


Sin as Self-Righteousness