Immortal Until My Work is Done

Dear Mosaic Family,After studying this week's text (Acts 23:12-24:21), I can't believe Hollywood hasn't cashed in on making a movie about Saint Paul. I'm thinking a franchise in a similar vein to the Jason Bourne trilogy. If Hollywood thinks Noah is epic, the book of Acts could blow the Ark out of the water! This week's text has drama, intrigue, conspiracy, serpentine plot twists, 40 Jewish dagger-carrying-hunger-striking assassins, 470 Roman soldiers marching through the night, corrupt religious officials, lying lawyers, crooked politicians, and God's hand guiding his child through it all. Maybe some of the writers at Mosaic could propose something to Netflix? (When it goes huge, don't forget to tithe... and buy Mosaic a building)

The 19th century missionary, John Paton, faced similar threats as he brought the Gospel to the island of Tanna. "One day," he wrote, "... Natives in large numbers were assembled at my house. A man furiously rushed at me with his axe; but a Kaserumini Chief snatched a spade with which I had been working and dexterously defended me from instant death. Next day, a wild Chief followed me about for four hours with his loaded musket, and, though often directed toward me, God restrained his hand. I spoke kindly to him and attended to my work as if he has not been there, fully persuaded that my God had placed me there, and would protect me till my allotted task was finished. Looking up in unceasing prayer to our dear Lord Jesus, I left all in his hands, and felt immortal till my work was done.”

Join us tomorrow as we dive into the "Paul Identity" and see what God would teach us.

immortal (white on black)

Coming up:

Quarterly Members' Meeting and Lunch. Saturday April, 5th. 10am-Noon ICC 30 Gordon St. Allston Are you a member of Mosaic? Make sure to mark your calendar for our next members' meeting and lunch at the ICC. We will discuss and pray about our vision and goals for the next season of church life and growth.
Pre-service Prayer:  Every Sunday morning, Mosaic holds a pre-service prayer meeting at 9am. Please join us in theater #8 to pray for our church, our city, and our world!

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Faith in Christ Jesus Leads to...


In All Good Conscience